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JORNADA JUGADOR 16/04/2011 Cusca Possició** Albert Rico 768 3 Àlex Abad 918 903 957 1071 850 2 Carme Puig 990 658 615 654 765 4 Cristina Rius 530 9 Felipe Calvo 619 7 Jordi Torres 624 484 375 552 8 Lluís Parera 647 5 Montserrat Armengol 838 728 441 621 6 Quico Beltrà 415 10 Salvador Comelles 975 922 711 750 851 1 ** ordenat alfabèticament
scrabble is a great game..i always wanted to join some scrabble club so that i could also enhance my knowledge and i could also familiarize some new words.
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